Good morning, ladies! How's your day? Well, today I'm going to sell off something very dear to me. My car. Right now we have three cars at home. One belongs to my in-laws, HB and mine. Since HB is not always around, he suggested that I sell my car. I agreed and today we need to hand over the car to the dealer. I'm a bit sad to sell it because this is the 1st car I bought with my own money. It was six years ago when I just started working and have no car. It's difficult to move around and more difficult to go to work. Every morning, my dear brother would send me to work and every morning he would mumbled at me. Because I had to wake him up so early. He start work at 9am and mine at 8am. Luckily HB don't mumble when I ask him to drive me to work :) After some deliberation, I decided to buy a 2nd hand car. I saved up some money and got myself a seven years old local manufactured car. Six years had passed and my car is now thirteen years old. During these six years, it has not break down even once (
can you believe it??) Not even a tyre puncture (
yes, I have not change a tyre before). I'm so thankful for it!! That's why now I felt a bit reluctant to give up my car. Oh boy....
What about you? Do you remember when you bought your first car? Do you still keep it? Or is it belongs to someone else now? Share your stories with me.....
Btw, I have a card to show you today. It's a birthday card I made for a good friend of mine. His birthday was two weeks ago. I hope he doesn't mind that. (KY...if you read this, HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!!! I hope you like it. Let's plan for dinner sometime next week)

Thanks for coming by! I hope you are having a great day. I will be back tomorrow with another card :)