More Christmas cards to share.....

Good Morning peeps!

I had a great time creating with my SIL yesterday! She stayed with us for the weekend and we spent the whole of Sunday afternoon making cards. I was very happy that I made four cards, three out of which are of the same design. I'm gonna make a few more this week.

Do you notice lately that I love to make clean and graphic cards?? It's less time consuming and fun to make. But the only problem I have is I hoard lots of pattern paper and now they sit in the basket collecting dust. Not to mention that my monthly Scarlet Lime kit also come with at least 10pcs of pattern paper each month. Oh boy...I will never finish using them! Maybe I should come up with a blog candy or something to give away those paper. Please don't get me wrong of finding an easy way to get rid of my paper. I just want to share what I have and to give to those who need them more than me :)