Christmas Gift Bag

Hello ladies!

I slept way too late yesterday, around two in the morning. I've been reading. If you read my post yesterday you won't have to guess what book already. Yes, it's Twilight. I just cannot bear put the book down...someone please slap me in the face and tell me that I should go to bed early....PLEASE! lol ;p I also learned that Evelin (my blog friend) also been reading the same book. Sweetie, are you that obssessed with the book?? I know I am :)

Ok, besides being obssessed with Twilight (only the book, not the movie though)...I know Christmas is just a week away and this is what I made yesterday.

Inside these gift bags are cookies made by Ann (SIL). It's Chocolate Oatmeal with raisin....phew long name.
I am going to put these on sale and if they don't my friends who are reading this (you know who you are)....'I hope you don't mind to be the owner of these adorable gift bag' ;p They are so going to 'kill' me :)