Wool you be mine?

Hello lovelies!

Today I'm sharing a card I sumitted for Paper Crafts call and obviously it didn't get picked and I get to share it with you.

Speaking of submission, I was lucky to have a few cards in the upcoming issues of Cards magazine and one card in Paper Cratfs. I thought I would share a story of how it all started. My first ever submission to Cards magazine was July last year. I would submit my cards (I counted....around 15 cards) to them every once in a while but none ever get picked. I was upset and decided that they never like me and almost gave up. Sheila was the one who stood by me and gave me the confidence I needed. I told myself to try one last time and if it doesn't work out, I should forget about the whole publication thingy. Imagine my surprise when I received the first acceptance email from them back in May! I was so nervous that I almost died!! I literally screamed on the phone when I shared the happy news with my bestie and it took me almost an hour to calm down...lol! Since then, I started to work on submissions and it's been good so far.

My point of sharing this story with you is NOT to brag....which is the last thing I want but hope to encourage some of you who wish to submit. Give it a try when you think you are ready and if you don't succeed the first time, don't be sad and don't let the whole publication thing take over your life (I learned my lesson). Take it easy and keep trying. One day you will enjoy the fruits of your labor :) Happy submitting!