Revolution, A Love Story

Send a check/money order to Cindy Sheehan's Soapbox at
PO Box 6264
Vacaville, Ca 95696

Or, use the donate button.

      Dear Friend,

This is a hard letter to write. Last February, I was so excited to tell you that my request to travel to Venezuela to interview President Hugo Chavez had been granted, and that I wanted to make a documentary of that visit. How nice, and different, to tell the truth about that country.

In Revolution, A Love Story, I wanted to produce an anthem to the power of the individual in making courageous and powerful changes.

Not only did I talk to President Chavez, but with President Evo Morales of Bolivia and many other government officials and Venezuelan citizens.

I also had the pleasure of interviewing some amazing American intellectuals:

--Michael Parenti, Ed Asner, and Gore Vidal on US Imperialism:;

--Cynthia McKinney on stolen elections in the US;

--Martin Sanchez, Consul General of Venezuela in San Francisco, to explain the integrity of Venezuelan elections:; and

--Angela Davis, on the real story of capitalism vs. socialism.

This is some of the most powerful material ever put on film, and with the FOXized media, how important that the truth be told.

But after all the work and our grand vision, I am so sorry to have to tell you that the project has stalled. The movie was outlined, I wrote the script, and we had many of the segments put together, but some of our progress was sabotaged.
It is a shame, if not a crime, that after nine months of hard work, and all the recent attacks on Venezuela, with the US rhetoric growing harsher, that this documentary is not out now.

I am absolutely committed to making an inspiring documentary-indeed, it’s all I think about, day and night, but I have to start some aspects over from scratch. The good news is that it can be a better movie.

If you pre-ordered a copy, and you want a refund, please let me know. However, since I have spent more of my own money on this project than we received in pre-orders, it may take me a little while. Saying that, I am committed to refunding every penny to my loyal and awesome supporters.
If you would like a $23 refund (or a $50 sponsorship refund) please email me at and let me know if you paid with check or by PayPal.
However, I am 100% committed to reorganizing and making this film. When it is finished, I will fulfill the orders that remain.

If you would like to help me make the film as fast as possible-and I am dedicating my life to doing so--a $50 sponsorship, or even an additional $50, would be so much appreciated. $100, $250, or even $500 would be magnificent. But any amount would help.

I wish you, and our cause, the happiest New Year. Please help me make that happen.

Love & Peace

Cindy Sheehan

PS: Nothing is more important than the truth. Please help me tell it.

In San Agustin, Caracas, Vz