New toy and published cards.......

Just a week ago, I posted on my hubby's Facebook wall about me wanting a DSLR camera. He always discouraged me whenever I mentioned about getting a new camera. "Don't waste your money" was his usual response. So imagined my surprise when he posted on his wall that he agreed to buy one for me! It's actually a second hand camera that I bought from my bestie and it is still in good condition. So right now I have been busy playing with my 'new' toy and let's see how long it takes for me to master the basic skill of photography :)

Here are some of my published cards that I have yet to share on my crafty corner. January 2011 had a been a blessing month for me as three of my cards were picked for this issue and one of it made it to the cover. 

The February issue.....

The March issue.....

Hope to see you very soon! Toodles!