I recently heard about this great idea when I met Chrystal from Snow Drop Dreams through Armchair BEA. I promised her that I would sign up and I know I am late in doing so but thankfully Aislynn from Knit Purl Stitch reminded my on twitter about this. Thank you Aislynn.
Anyways, In honor of Canada Day that is happening July 1st, both Aislynn and Chrystal have organzied a Canada Day Blog Hop that will be happening between June 29th and July 2nd.
As of right now I am not 100% sure what my give away will be but I am thinking perhaps a middle grade Canadian author book or a YA Canadian author book. It will most defintely be by a Canadian author. Plus I will be throwing in some other Canadian goodies.
This give away will be for Canadians only with a valid mailing address please no PO Boxes. So just leave a comment and let me know what your favorite Canada Day activity is along with your email address.
As of right now I have no idea what is happening with Canada Post and the lock out. If this lock out contines I will be forced to ship the prize win through either Fed Ex or UPS.
You can click on the buttons below to check out these two awesome Canadian Bloggers.