How is Hugo (Chavez)? Cindy Sheehan's Soapbox

The Golinger report.  Click here to listen or download, beginning at 2:00 PM San Francisco time.  This Sunday (July 24th), Cindy brings back Venezuelan / American Attorney and author Eva Golinger (with first name pronounced like ave a in "save a buck"), our soapbox's visiting expert in all things Venezuelan and general good friend.  She starts by discussing the health of & prognosis for Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, currently undergoing chemotherapy in Cuba following his recent cancer surgery.  Incredibly hard-working, Chavez finally had a significant health problem to overcome.  But evidently, surgeons got 100% of the tumor, and the chemotherapy is a cautionary procedure to ensure the tumor won't come back.  He's effectively back to work again - from his residence for treatment in Cuba.  Eva discusses his health situation and its consequences.  Cindy and Eva discuss the political implications of the situation, as well as a fascinating and revelatory history of interactions between Venezuela and the U.S.A. - especially history between, say, 1970 and today.