It’s Monday! What Are You Reading, is where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week. It is a great way to network with other bloggers to see what they have read and what they are reading this week.
The wonderful host of this weekly meme is Shelia from Book Journey. You can check out Sheila's blog to find out all the details on how to take part in this fun weekly meme. Although I should warn you that this can lead to an ever increasing TBR pile, wishlist or borrowed books from the library.
As I was writing up another post I quickly realized that this is literally the last week of July and roughly this time next month I will be getting Michael ready for back to school which will be alot of transitions for him because he is going into grade three so that means he will be shuffled around with new classmates and new teachers and on top of that he will be going into the senior building that houses grades 3 to 6. Its so hard to believe how fast the time goes.
This past week not much reading got done because I was in cleaning mode because my sister in law and nephew will be coming into town and staying with us for three days so yea alot of cleaning got done and alot of late nights being online trying to prepare for next week when I will be on vacation.
Yea so excited. I am once again heading to Illinois again. I am so excited because I will be going to Anderson's Bookstore, Borders and Barnes & Noble. Plus some other exciting shopping for school supples, groceries (because you guys in the US have so many great things that we don't have here in Canada) and I am sure a visit to a lego store and gaming store are in order as well.
So with that being said, I think I finished up what I said I was going to read (but I didn't pick up Ripple) and honestly the only book I have been reading this past week and I am only about half way through it is:

Its written in the exact same way as Ellen Harper's books so this is new and different but I am enjoying it.
So really for the week since I have company here I will probably finish up this one and figure out what I will be bringing on vacation to read. I am going to bring perhaps two actual books and my kobo becuase I downloaded a bunch of egalleys.
Hope your having a great week. Happy Reading.