It’s Monday! What Are You Reading, is where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week. It is a great way to network with other bloggers to see what they have read and what they are reading this week.
The wonderful host of this weekly meme is Shelia from Book Journey. You can check out Sheila's blog to find out all the details on how to take part in this fun weekly meme. Although I should warn you that this can lead to an ever increasing TBR pile, wishlist or borrowed books from the library.
I have to apologize in advance if over the next few days you see alot of posts by me but I am behind on posting as you may have noticed. I have been really busy with doing all kinds of summer activites with Michael and when I have been coming online at night I haven't had the energy to sit and do blog posts but thankfully this week is a quiet week with only swimming lessons and then Friday is storytime. I tend to do this every summer and try to jam pack all kinds of activities daily.
Anyways this is what I have been reading:

I am almost done this and really enjoying this great middle grade book.

I had to take Michael to the library because he wanted to learn about chess so of course I didn't have a book with me and it was too hot to sit in the computer area so I saw this sitting waiting to be put out so I grabbed it. I read about half of it while Michael was in learning about chess.
So I will probably finish those two books this week and I will probably pick up:

This is what I am reading and what I plan to read, what about you?