It’s Monday! What Are You Reading, is where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week. It is a great way to network with other bloggers to see what they have read and what they are reading this week.
The wonderful host of this weekly meme is Shelia from Book Journey. You can check out Sheila's blog to find out all the details on how to take part in this fun weekly meme. Although I should warn you that this can lead to an ever increasing TBR pile, wishlist or borrowed books from the library.
Its a beautiful day here in Montreal and a super busy day because I am in the midst of packing and getting ready to leave for vacation. It will be nice to get away for a little while.
I didn't get much reading done last week because my sister in law and nephew were in town for a good part of the week.
The only book that I was reading and I actually completed it was:

Last night when I was going to bed I picked up:

I am about half way through it so I am sure I will have this done by the time I leave.
As for vacation I am on the fence about what I want to read because I have so many great books sitting on my shelf that are calling me to read. So as of right now (as I am writting this post) I plan on bringing:

I also have my Kobo with me so if by chance I finish those I will have a whole bunch fo ARCs on there to read.
This is what I am planning on reading, what about you?