From August 19th to the 30th, Cindy Sheehan and three military veterans will be beginning a bus (runs on bio-fuels) tour from Eugene, Oregon to Fresno, California and back up.
The purpose of the tour is to re-energize the grass roots initiative, Re-Creating Revolutionary Communities, and we have many stops along the way with exciting events planned.
The following is a list of the dates and places the RevComs or Bust tour will be stopping; for more info on the events in each community, please email:
Gordon at:
Sat, Aug 20th: Eugene, Oregon
Sun, Aug 21st: Hood River, Oregon
Mon, Aug 22nd: Newport, Oregon
Tue, Aug 23rd: Free day
Wed, Aug 24: Free day
Thu, Aug 25: Arcata, Ca
Fri, Aug 26: Garberville, Ca
Sat, Aug 27: Fresno, Ca
Sun, Aug 28: Free Day
Mon, Aug 29: Free Day
Tue, Aug 30: Sacramento, Ca
Recent events in the U.S., which amount to financial terrorism by the elite, have demonstrated that Democracy with a Capital D is officially DOA, and We the People can face a scary future assured that we will survive, because we can build communities that foster peace, health, the environment, and prosperity.
In 2009, I toured the nation with my book, Myth America, advocating for such communities--they were urgent then, and necessary, now.
Hope to see you out on the tour!
Please donate to help us with fuel, and other expenses!
Or send a check/money (made out to Peace of the Action) order to:
Cindy Sheehan's Soapbox
PO BOX 6264
Vacaville, Ca 95696