The Mailbox Post & Books Bought

Is it seriously that time of the week for another mailbox post? The weeks are just flying by.

This past week I didn't get any books in the mail to review but I did end up taking Michael to Chapters because he got a gift card from a birthday party he recently went to and he wanted to pick something up.
Michael picked up two new Phineas and Ferb books (he loves watching the show and enjoying the books now)
-Freeze Frame & Daredevil Days

Then this week when I was putting away the books I got from the Atwater Booksale, I  noticed that I didn't have Rampant there. I could have sworn I had a paperback version of the book. So I noticed that chapters had them on the bargain table so I figured I would nab it while it was still in hardcover and on sale.

I also picked up Where Demons Fear to Trend by Stephanie Chong. This one came highly recommended to my by a second cousin, who is a friend to the author.
This past Friday was the Summer Reading Party wrap up and they had a big party for all the kids who took part.

Michael was able to get two books:
-Fourth Grade Weirdo by Martha Freeman
-Franny k. Stein: Mad Scientist The Invisible Fran by Jim Benton

He also got to pick up some swag (bookmarks and a postcard) and not show but he also got some temporary tattos because the city is celebrating 100 years so they had a bunch made up.

Michael was also lucky enough to win a $50 gift card to a french bookstore Librairie Monet. Which he is excited to go and do very soon.

Well this is what I got this week, what about you?