This past week I didn't get any books in the mail to review but I did end up taking Michael to Chapters because he got a gift card from a birthday party he recently went to and he wanted to pick something up.
-Freeze Frame & Daredevil Days
Then this week when I was putting away the books I got from the Atwater Booksale, I noticed that I didn't have Rampant there. I could have sworn I had a paperback version of the book. So I noticed that chapters had them on the bargain table so I figured I would nab it while it was still in hardcover and on sale.
I also picked up Where Demons Fear to Trend by Stephanie Chong. This one came highly recommended to my by a second cousin, who is a friend to the author.
Michael was able to get two books:
-Fourth Grade Weirdo by Martha Freeman
-Franny k. Stein: Mad Scientist The Invisible Fran by Jim Benton
He also got to pick up some swag (bookmarks and a postcard) and not show but he also got some temporary tattos because the city is celebrating 100 years so they had a bunch made up.
Michael was also lucky enough to win a $50 gift card to a french bookstore Librairie Monet. Which he is excited to go and do very soon.
Well this is what I got this week, what about you?