In My Mailbox is hosted by Kristi from The Story Siren. Mailbox Monday was orginally created by Marcia from A Girl and Her Books and this year she has put Mailbox Monday on tour and for the month of August the host is Staci from Life in the Thumb.Be sure to check out her blog as well as the others mentioned.
Being on vacation means I have no idea if I have any packages waiting for me so for today I thought I would share with you some books I bought before going on vacation:
I had orginally gone shopping with Donna from BooksBound just before leaving for vacation and I had Michael with me so he wanted to grab some books for the car and as I was walking around talking with Donna I saw that Graveminder was in trade and it is the exact same price as the US so I grabbed it and then I spotted the first book in Terry Spear's series, so I just had to grab that one because that was one of the books I was missing.
As I was leaving the store I was getting buyers remorse and figured I would return the books that evening well low and behold when I mentioned that I was going to return them and I was asked why so I told him and he said to keep them and just consider it a gift.
It was only mentioned to me later by Lucy from Moonlight Gleam's Bookshelf in a email that since I got two books already that I won't be able to buy some in the US so yea he probably got me on that one but I am sure I will walk away with a few book purchases in the US.
Anyways this is what I got last week, what about you?
As I was leaving the store I was getting buyers remorse and figured I would return the books that evening well low and behold when I mentioned that I was going to return them and I was asked why so I told him and he said to keep them and just consider it a gift.
It was only mentioned to me later by Lucy from Moonlight Gleam's Bookshelf in a email that since I got two books already that I won't be able to buy some in the US so yea he probably got me on that one but I am sure I will walk away with a few book purchases in the US.
Anyways this is what I got last week, what about you?