You truly never realize how huge a city like Montreal is until you get invited out. I have been to the NDG area several times and not once I have noticed this cafe where the event was taking place.
This was the cutest cafe with some amazing food and it was reasonably priced. The food was delicious and the staff was fantastic.
I went with Lucy from Moonlight Gleam's Bookshelf. We agreed to go together and decided at the last minute that we should meet earlier and go for dinner so that we could talk. Even though we live in the same city I haven't seen Lucy since the booksale and we talk almost daily via emails so it was nice to meet up with her and talk.
The event was fantastic and alot of fun. We were one of the first few people to introduce ourselves to him and get our books signed.
These are the newest covers of the books.
I saw this and it was in paperback so I had to nab this at the signing to get signed. Isn't it pretty?
This is the book marks that were being handed out.
It was so nice as the evening progressed more and more people showed up for the event. It was a full house. He also decided to do a reading so here is a clip of that:
P.J is reading from Chapter 3 in his newest book Sinister Scenes. Sorry my camera stopped abruptly so I couldnt' get any more. I can't wait to read the second and third book now. I will probably start them very soon.
After he graciously signed our books (all seven of them) he posed for pictures. The lady behind us was so nice to do that for us not once by twice.
Thanks so very much P.J you are truly an awesome author who has written a great series of books. You were kind and gracious with us and your time. If you ever want to stop by and do a Q&A or guest post I am cool with that. Hope to see you at your next book launch.