Cindy in Chicago Area Sept 26 to Sept 29

Cindy Sheehan Speaks: the Peace Movement, Middle East and Latin America
Cindy Sheehan’s son, Casey, was killed in the Iraq War. She attracted world attention in August 2005 for her extended anti-war protest at a “Camp Casey” outside President Bush's Texas ranch. She ran unsuccessfully for Congress in 2008. She has continually been speaking out and working to create a foreign policy based on peace, and has met with world leaders such as Hugo Chavez of Venezuela and Evo Morales of Bolivia. Her website is
Wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Libya, Somalia. Bailouts for the banks  and corporate elite, cutbacks for us. Economic recession. Money for war not for jobs. Political prisoners like Bradley Manning, the Cuban 5. Blockades on Cuba and Gaza. Sanctions on Venezuela.  FBI investigations of anti-war activists. Called “the Rosa Parks of the anti-war movement” Cindy Sheehan has much to tell us about working to end the world of wars for corporate profit, and standing up together to build peace and understanding.
DePaul University, Monday, Sept. 26
"The U.S. Wars in the Middle East and the New World Taking Shape in Latin America"
7pm, Schmitt Academic Center, 2320 N. Sheffield,                                 
    Sponsored by Department of History
University of Illinois Hull House, Tuesday, Sept. 27
"The Peace Movement in 2012: Hopes and Prospects"
6:00- 7:30 pm, 800 S. Halsted                                                                           
  Sponsored by Hull House
Dominican University, Wed. Sept. 28
       "Women in the Peace Movement, the Cuban 5
and Cuba Today"  
2:30-4:30 pm, Springer Suite, Crown Center, 7900 W. Division, River Forest
Loyola University, Thursday, Sept. 29
3:00 pm, Auditorium, Crown Center, 6525 N. Sheridan,                                     
     Sponsored by Department of Sociology
Venezuela Consulate, Thursday, Sept. 29
"What We Can Learn from Bolivarian Venezuela”
5:30-7:30 pm, 20 N. Wacker, Suite #1925
For more info: Stan Smith, Chicago Committee to Free the Cuban 5, 773-376-7521,