Moist and Perfect Carrot Cake

The Eats by Cindy Hogan

Carrot Cake
**I love this cake. It only has a tiny hint of spice and is so moist, it melts in your mouth. Enjoy each delicious bite.**

I had a ball signing at Costco in Bountiful. I'll be there this Wed. and Fri. from 11-5. Come see me! Sept. 7th and 9th.
  • Mix 1 1/2 c. sugar, 1 c. oil, and 3 eggs in a large bowl until totally blended about 1 minute.

  • To make it lowfat, use 1/4 c. oil and 3/4 c. applesauce along with 2 eggwhites and 1 egg. It will lose richness, but still tastes good.

  • Stir in 2 c. flour, 3/4 tsp cinnamon, 1 tsp. baking soda, 1 tsp. vanilla, and 1/4 tsp ground nutmeg.

  • Once blended, add 3 c. shredded carrots.

  • If you like nuts, add 1 cup chopped nuts.

Pour into a 13X9X2 pan that has been greased and floured. Bake at 350 degrees for 35-45 mins. Do not overcook. Check at 35 mins with a toothpick in the center. It should come out clean.

Once cooled, frost with Cream Cheese Frosting
  • Whip one 8 oz. pkg. of cream cheese with 1 Tbl. milk, 1 tsp. vanilla until nice and smooth

  • Add 4 c. powdered sugar one at a time until smooth.

This cake freezes really well. I like to cut it into squares and freeze it for about 2 hours and then wrap each piece and put in a gallon freezer bag. Easy lunch treats or dessert for a later date.