Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger Award

I have to send a huge shout out to Lucy from Moonlight Gleam's Bookshelf for bestowing this award to me. Its been awhile since I have been given an award and I am truly honored to share this because this just any kind of award its a special award as you will soon find out.

One of my duties is to share this award with 5 bloggers. It was really hard to choose and so I picked the following based on the fact they read this genre of similar to this genre. So here is who I picked:
http://iwriteinbooks.wordpress.com/ (just because she takes the time to comment)

Here is your mission if you choose to accept it:
  1. Slap the graphic on your blog.
  2. Give link props to the person who gave you the award (keep the hard, best, fast and strong on your side!).
  3. Spread the awesome and nominate five (5) other bloggers who you think exemplify what it means to be cool, fun and cutting edge.
  4. Let the recipients know they’ve won this honor on their blogs.
  5. Last but not least, shoot Gini Koch an email at gini@ginikoch.com and let her know you’re the best of the best of the best, sir! (put “Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger” in the subject line!) by sharing that you’ve been nominated and telling her which other bloggers you nominated, and she’ll enter you into the “Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger” Contest. Find out more details and what the loot is at http://www.ginikoch.com/winstuff.htm.

Of course, you can choose to ignore your awesomeness, but then you’ll never have a chance to nab your own A-C or win the loot. And you know you want both.
About the award:
The award was created to honor those whose blogs who exemplify the qualities Katherine “Kitty” Katt has -- those who always stay cutting edge, who always find the fun, the funny, and the cool, and who are always one step ahead of the competition.

The “Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger Award” is only given to the amazingly awesome, so get down with your bad self, you’re deemed worthy to run with the A-C’s! And you’re also one step closer to being in the running for some cool prizes. (Contest is international.)

Now you get to spread the awesome by nominating other bloggers who are also harder, better, faster and stronger than the average blog bear. Not everyone’s as cool as you, so choose carefully!