Is it already that time of the week again? The week has just flown by.
This is my 11th vlog and my 123 post.
I didn't get to mention the hosts of this weekly meme in my vlog so I will mention it here. The host for In My Mailbox is Kristi from The Story Siren and Mailbox Monday was orginally hosted by Marcia from A Girl and her Books and then she decided to put Mailbox Monday on a blog tour so this month's host is Serena from Savvy Verse and Wit. So be sure to check out there blogs.
Product Review:
- Lovable Labels kit. Check back this upcoming week for my review.
Event Kit:
-Geronimo Stilton (temp tattoos, activity booklet)
The following came unsolicated:
-The Time We All Went Marching by Arley McNeney*
-Mnemonic a book of trees by Theresa Kishkan*
-Simply Fresh: Casual dining at home by Jeff Morgan
-The Dovekeepers by Alice Hoffman
-Silence by Becca Fitzpatrick (this was a win)
Blog Tour:
-The Iron Knight by Julie Kagawa (My date for my part is November 25th)
Books Bought at this cute bookstore in Stowe, Vermont.
I found a You Are Here book mark at the local library (they had a booksale going on and I didn't buy anything) and I bought the one Got Books? at that above bookstore.
-Demon Songs by Cat Adams
-Carrier of the Mark by Leigh Fallon
So this is what I got in my mailbox, what about you?
If you are interested in reading and reviewing for me The Time We All Went Marching by Arley McNeney and/or Mnemonic a book of trees by Theresa Kishkan please let me know and I would be willing to mail them to you in exchange for a review. You can contact me in the comments and I will contact you so please leave an email address.