God gave me you!
I have been keeping this news from you all and think it's time to announce it here. It's a bit late but they said "better be late than never", right? So yea....I'm PREGNANT!! This is my 29th weeks and I'm due in early February. We are pretty excited of having a baby girl in our life! Before, I wasn't ready to be a mom but as soon as we found out that I was pregnant everything changed. Not only I'm more than ready to be a mom, I strive to be a good one. It's easy said than done (I know) but I'm going to try my best. We got almost everything we needed to welcome our baby girl but there are still some stuff that need to be taken care of. If you have any useful tips for this new mother, please do share it here :) I truly appreciate it.
While I don't have many photos taken of me being pregnant and Jessy (and her husband too) was sweet enough to snap a few for me when I visited her last month. She even scrapped about us.....go check out her blog if you may. Thanks babe!
My laptop had bid me farewell, so posting could be a bit difficult for me right now. Hope to be back again with more updates!