The Mailbox Post

I have to send out a huge thank you to  Marcia from Mailbox Monday and from A Girl and her Books for coming up with Mail Box Monday. This past year Marcia put Mailbox Monday on a blog tour and for the month of November Marcia is the host so be sure to go and check out her blogs.

Just a reminder that the host for Mailbox Monday in December is Jenny Q from Let Them Read Books who just happens to be a new to me blogger so I am excited to check out this new blogger.

Another blogger who hosts In My Mailbox is Kristi from The Story Siren.

This was a super quiet week in books. I only received one book for review and that was this one:

I am officially on a book buying ban from now and up to June 2012. The reason is because I have been given the offical green light and I will be going to NYC/BEA in June. So in order to make this trip possible I have to make some much need sacrifices such as not buying anymore books and forgoing some Birthday/Christmas presents until then.