Come join the fun!
I hope you win all kinds of books today!
You can pick any book you want with a
$10 Barnes and Noble gift card.
I'd pick Divergent by Veronica Roth if you don't own it yet. It's my favorite book of 2011, besides my own, of course.(Watched. ebook only .99 cents right now! wow!)
Easy Entry- Do them all in under 1 minute.
1. Follow this blog -mandatory
2. Like my Watched Facebook page here +2 extra
3. Like my Watched Amazon page here +2 extra
4. Follow my Watched blog extra +1
5. Join iWriteNetwork +1 extra- an awesome site for authors or would-be-authors
**Leave me a comment here with what entries you did and your email so I can notify you if you win.
This giveaway ends on the 31st, so hurry.
Good luck! Now go enter all the other giveaways