One of my favorite bloggers Sheila from Book Journey is the host of this weekly meme. If you haven't checked out Sheila's blog yet then what are you waiting for. I love reading Sheila's blog because she covers it all and I always end up walking away like I get to know Sheila a little more from her post.
I also just discovered recently that Sheila has partnered with Jen from Teach Mentor Texts and they come up with a fun meme with a kidlit focus - anyone reading and reviewing books in children's literature - it can be picture books, chapter books, middle grade novels, young adult novels, you name it in the world of kidlit and it's in!
So in case you are wondering what It's Monday! What are you reading? is about well its a great way to recap what you read and/or reviewed the previous week and to plan out your reading and reviews for the upcoming week. It's also a great chance to see what others are reading right now…who knows, you might discover that next “must read” book!
Is it really that time of the week again for another It's Monday! What are you reading? post? I feel as though I just wrote one. Wow the week is going by really fast although I have to say that I did have one of those weeks where I thought Thursday was Friday all day. That was due to the fact that Michael had a ped day on the Monday. So it put my whole routine out of whack.
Actually this whole month has just seem to fly by.
Alot has happened since last week. We got hit with a snow storm Friday afternoon and got a ton of snow. It was crazy and yesterday when I was driving up one of the main streets coming home with Michael from his Faith First class I had to admit that it looked really pretty with all the new white fallen snow.
I was pleasantly surprised Saturday morning when I woke up extra early because Michael had a hockey practice at 7am and the drive to this arena would take 10 minutes and we knew we would have to shovel out the drive way because when we went to bed the end of the road had a huge pile of snow that was put there from the snow plows. Well low and behold we go out and discover that a neighbor plowed us out so we only had to shovel the walk way. Which was super nice of him to do that.
I was pleasantly surprised that I managed to read two books last week and they were:

I enjoyed this book and hopefully a review will be up this week.

I borrowed this from my local library the other day. I will be doing a review for this and I will either post it in March or save it for the week I am at BEA.
What I am planning on reading this week:

I will be rereading this one for Freedom to Read Week here in Canada. I loved this book ever since I read it in high school. There isn't too many books that I reread but this is one of them.
Currently reading:

I will be on the book tour for this on March 7th.
This is what I have planned, what about you?