Title: The Secret Me Book: A Journal to celebrate what makes you, you
Author: Rachel Kempster and Meg Leder
Pub Date: April 2012
Pages: 208
Publisher: Soourcebooks
Source: I recieved a copy of this book for review
About the book:
Discover what makes you, you...
What makes you tick and hum?
What quirks and habits are yours and yours alone?
who do you wish you could be?
who are you now?
The answers make up your "secret me," your soul's fingerprint.
Packed with creative and quirky prompts, ideas, and activities, The Secret Me Book gives you an inspiring way to get to know this core part of you.
Scribble thoughts, make lists, paste pictures, and doodle—all tapping into the real you.
What would you do if you won the lottery?
Is there a movie that defines you?
What's your secret talent?
Here's your secret me book—it's time to celebrate what you're made of.
I liked this book and I am sure anyone would love this book. It was like that book by Kerri Smith called Wreck This Journal. What I loved about the book was that it was guide with instructions on what to do but you didn't have to follow it in order, you could do what you wanted and how you wanted.
This is one of those books that you can sit and do as much or as little as you want. I know for awhile it was in my purse and I would take it out while I was waiting for my son to come out of school or while he was on the ice at hockey practices.
There is all kinds of fun things to do with the book and I really enjoyed it. I love being creative and this was one place I was care free and don't have to follow any rules and rack my brain for the answers.
I know the authors have another book out called The Happy Book that I will have to look into getting.
Thanks Sourcebooks for sending a copy to me.