I figured today was a good day to start some BEA related post. We are roughly a month away from BEA. Can you believe it?
I know I am getting pretty excited. I will be leaving June 3rd on the train and spending a glorious week in NYC doing some sight seeing and attending BEA.
Are you going?
Here is where you, my lovely blog readers come in. Would anyone be interested in taking part in this endeavor with me?
I haven't figured out exactly where I want this to go but perhaps some guest posts with favorite BEA memories, what books you are most excited for, authors you are most excited for, hints and tips for making a BEA experience memorable and so on. I am open to ideas and suggestions.
Of course for those that take part I will be making this a give away all that take part will have a chance to win some amazing prizes such as gift cards and BEA swag.
If you are interested please tell me in the comments with an email addy and I will be in touch. I am looking at making these a weekend posts.