Armchair BEA Registration is now open

By now you are probably getting a little fed up with all the talk of bloggers who are going to be, right?

Well fear not because the 3rd annual Armchair BEA is up and running and taking registations.

What is Armchair BEA you ask?

Well if you're a book blogger who can't attend Book Expo America and the Book Blogger Convention in New York this June (June 4 - 8, 2012), you don't have to miss all the fun - this virtual convention is the place to be!

When I first started blogging in 2008 it was late August so I had no idea what BEA until much later that year. I didn't get to attend in 2009 because I just couldn't afford it so in 2010 a bunch of Montreal book bloggers decided we should go so we did and it was a blast.

I couldn't attend in 2011 so I took part in Armchair BEA and I had a blast. I was bummed that I couldn't attend but honestly taking part in this took my mind off of not going. I had so much fun and if you are feeling bummed then I highly recommed this. You will have a blast. Trust me.

At the time of writing this I have officially signed up and will be scheduling my post to appear on the days. Its a great way to connect with bloggers and to discover so many new bloggers.

Here is the link to sign up participant registration and/or if you want to sponsor a give away, which I am taking part in.

I am also including the link for agenda that will be happening the week of June 4th to 8th.

Will you be taking part in Armchair BEA