(Meme) Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme that the lovely bloggers over at The Broke and the Bookish came up with.

Each week a new Top Ten lists is posted so  everyone is welcome to join! All you have to do is link back to The Broke and the Bookish on your own Top Ten Tuesday post AND add your name to the Linky widget so that everyone can check it out and you can check out other bloggers lists! This is a great way to interact with other bloggers and perhaps find something new.

This week's topic is Top Ten Blogs/Sites That AREN'T About Books.

I'm not sure I will be able to list ten but I will try.

1. Facebook. This is always the first place I head to win I log online in the morning. Honestly I think I spend way too much time on it.

2. Twitter. I have been logging on alot more but not really commenting.

3. Local hockey website. Not so much since hockey is done but I would constantly check the site out to see what news there was and Michael's team stats and rankings.

4. Yahoo Canada. Well this is actually my home page so I tend to read the news feeds and check my yahoo email.

5. Google. I love to use this in search of images and getting into my gmail account.

6. YouTube. This is my go to to check for videos on beauty boxes, mailbox posts etc

7. A few beauty blogs such as http://www.spiffykerms.com/ (Nancy is a fantastic Canadian blogger who I discovered on youtube) another Canadian blogger I discovered on youtube is Ashley and she blogs at http://romanianbutterfly206.blogspot.ca/ .

8. Several Canadian mom bloggers that I discovered through a Canadian blog network. Through this I found some local bloggers that hopefully I will meet one day soon.

9. PicMonkey. I use this to edit my photos for free. Its a fairly new site but they seem to be adding constantly to it.

10. Canadian magazines such as Canadian Living and Chatelaine. I love reading their magazines and their online content is fantastic.

So this is my top ten list. Did you find something new that you might not have before this? I have checked out others list and found a bunch of sites I have never heard of.