@5Months ♥

She turned 5 months last week. I was looking through pictures  I took of her since the first day she was born and I could see how much she has grown. Those first few weeks of being a new mother was still fresh in my memory. Back then I had no clue why my newborn had to suck every two hours or so and some sessions could last for hours (at least four). I was exhausted and puzzled. I had baby blues too and thank God it went away after the first month. Fast forward five months and while being a mother is a life time job with huge, huge responsibility....I would still tell you that I love my job! Ask me again when she turns one year old...lol :)

What's new @ 22 weeks:
 she's super loud now especially when she don't get what she wanted...she will scream with big tears trickled down her cheeks...seriously where did she learn this from 
 she's very good in doing the roll thing in which my bed is no longer a safe place to leave her unsupervised
 she gets very, very distracted if she hears someone talks while I am nursing her....what an inquisitive little baby
 super active and kicking is her hobby
 she will laughs out loud if something amuse her such as her mother's silly face....lol
 loves to rub her face...whether she's hot, sleepy or angry
 doens't want bottle when night falls....no kidding...she can't be tricked either
 she grabs at everything and put into her mouth
 I have at least a few strands of hair pulled off by her every day

We are finally going for our first trip next week. The first was cancelled. I am usually travel smart when it comes to packing but with a baby in tow, the list of stuff to bring is so overwhelming. I am talking about liquid detergent, breast pump, unlimited supplies of diapers....and the list goes on. Seriously, does anyone even put liquid detergent in their luggage? Luckily we are driving so don't you worry that I might get myself into trouble with immigration officer for suspicion of terrorist act...lol. 
