Today I am honored to have Linda Ferguson stop by to guest post about her book Staying Grounded in Shifting Sand. I will be reviewing her book next week (June 19th) on the blog so be sure to stop by and check out my review.
I want to thank Linda for taking the time out of her very busy touring schedule to sit down and do this for me and a huge thank you to Dorothy from Pump Up Your Book for arranging this and for being so accomadating.

Staying Grounded in Shifting Sand- Embracing Change
Sometimes we got those cosmic nudges, if not a 2X4 slap across the face, to change. Sometimes what appears on the surface to be bad news, may in the end result in a positive change. Next time you are challenged with a change, stop to ask how the change will serve a higher purpose. Will the change shift you to a better place? The 2X4 slap and subsequent change may be a blessing in disguise.
I faced such a cosmic slap a few times, the hardest ones coming as I lost a job and went through a divorce. Though I didn’t seek out either change, as I came out the other side, I could see that the changes were necessary to get me to a new and better place. I dealt with some deeply buried wounds, cleared some self-limiting beliefs, and found new faith and strength I could never imagined having.
Now I no longer fear change or uncertainty because I know that what I’m going through will get me to a better place.
Depending on how ready you are for change, how much you think the change will help you, and how successful you feel you'll be making the change, you may welcome or avoid change.
If you intentionally want to change some aspect in your life, you can follow some concrete steps to navigate through the change. I've developed a process called Transformational EmpowermentTM to support people making change. These ideas came from working with my coaching clients and my workshops over the last six years. The Transformational Empowerment process uses some basic spiritual principles to support you in making profound and lasting changes.
If you are looking to make a job or life change, and truly want the change to stick, I invite you to use these steps for Transformational Empowerment. Visit my website (www.lindajferguson.com) to receive a free series of handouts and videos that will help you in your change process. You’ll receive a series of emails where I’ll share stories that describe how each of the steps work.
Try out the ideas of Transformational Empowerment and you'll be well on your way to create a significant life shift, to reach your goals, or to fulfill your heart's desire.
Embrace the journey. The change may do you good.
Now available!! Linda’s new book, “Staying Grounded in Shifting Sand” – CLICK HERE TO ORDER .
Visit Linda’s website- www.lindajferguson.com to receive valuable handouts and videos to support your personal growth and professional development.

About The Book
Staying Grounded in Shifting Sand provides insightful stories and ideas to support your spiritual journey and help you answer your soul’s calling. Inside you’ll read how to step fully into who you are as an awakened soul being. You’ll read ways to apply spiritual principles for daily challenges and stressors of relationships, finances, work, or family. You’ll learn how to connect with the joy and beauty of who you are as a spiritual being through your various human experiences.
You’ll learn ways to shift how you experience your world using the affirmations, meditations, and visualizations provided in each chapter. A new process called Transformational Empowerment™ shows seven key steps for manifesting your heart’s desire and fulfilling your soul contracts.
You’ve already signed up to be an agent for spiritual transformation, in your own life and in the world. Staying Grounded in Shifting Sand is a spiritual guidebook to help you navigate through your daily stresses, spiritual tests, and challenging relationships. It also is a celebration of the joy you are here to experience as a conscious co-creator. Each chapter ends with concrete, meaningful exercises for you to use immediately!
About The Author
Dr. Linda J. Ferguson is an author, speaker, coach, and seminar leader to support people leading a joyful and awakened spiritual life. Linda’s website, www.lindajferguson.com , contains videos, meditations, affirmations, and other useful resources for spiritual growth and personal development. Readers find inspiring and informative ideas in Linda’s blog to enrich their spirituality for everyday living- www.lindajferguson.com/blog/ .
Dr. Ferguson is author of two books “The Path for Greatness – Work as Spiritual Service” and “Staying Grounded in Shifting Sand- Awakening Soul Consciousness for the New Millennium“. Readers find the exercises at the end of every chapter valuable and practical. They can apply the ideas immediately in their life and see results. Linda has conducted three national book tours, presented at national conferences, and conducted worship services to inspired and appreciative audiences. Linda also leads Shamanic Journeys, spiritual study groups, and retreats for people who want to dive deeper into the insights and ideas offered in her books on spiritual growth and transformation.
Linda has developed a seven step process of Transformational EmpowermentTM, for personal mastery. She developed this powerful process of manifesting and creating positive life changes from her own life experiences, her work with her coaching clients, and her study of mysticism.
She uses the spiritual principles found in her Transformational EmpowermentTM process in her coaching practice so that her clients more effectively move through their important life changes. Her coaching provides a structured and consistent venue so that people can make positive changes in their life easefully and confidently.
Linda has been on radio interviews and has featured articles in Interbeing, a journal of personal and professional mastery. She also writes a weekly blog to support people’s desire to integrate their spiritual life with their professional life- www.managementhelp.org/blogs/spirituality/
Dr. Ferguson earned her Ph.D. from Indiana University (I.U.-Bloomington) in Organizational Behavior with a Masters also from I.U. studying Social Psychology. She has taught undergraduate and graduate courses in psychology and management. Linda did her coach training in 2004 from Coach Training Alliance, completed her certification in Team Coaching, and has CCE credits from International Coach Federation (ICF).
In 1994 she traveled abroad for six months to Asia, Australia, Israel, and Europe before moving to Virginia where she currently lives. Her personal spiritual practice includes daily prayer and meditation, Sufi Dances of Universal Peace, Integral Yoga, Native American Sweat Lodges and other Earth-based ceremonies.