I decided for this very last post that I would link to all the awesome bloggers I met when I was at BEA 2012. Please if you haven't checked out these blogs out you really should.
These are bloggers I met while I was in NYC.
Natalia from Dazzling Reads and I travelled together on the train Sunday morning. Once I got to NYC Tina from Bookshipper came to the train station to say hi and Welcome to NYC. Which I thought was very nice of her to do.
Then when I got to the hotel I saw:Jenn from Jenn's Bookshelves and Trish from Hey Lady . Both bloggers I have meet in the past.
My roomies for the week were:

Rea Write
The following I met at BEA and Publisher events:
http://alitareads.wordpress.com/ (Alita-Canadian)
http://bermudaonion.net/ (Kathy)
http://www.bookingmama.net/ (Julie)
http://bookjourney.wordpress.com/ (Sheila)
http://www.tickettoanywhere.net/ (Gail)
http://www.misbehavinlibrarian.com/ (Jennifer-Canadian)
http://bookishlyyours.com/ (Katie-Canadian)
http://www.almostgrownup.net/ (Jen)
http://theladycriticslibrary.blogspot.ca/ (Katherine)
http://www.coffeebooksandme.blogspot.ca/ (Jenna-Philippines)
http://www.thefakesteph.com/ (Steph)
http://bookchicclub.blogspot.ca/ (James)
Sorry I am drawing a blank right now on who else I met. If we met at BEA please let me know and I will adjust this post. I know I have mentioned other bloggers in posts I have made previously to this one.
I loved meeting old friends and new friends this time around.