Today was the last day of BEA. I went today because there was still a few signings I wanted to see and things I wanted to do before leaving BEA. In the past the day last has always been a little quieter but since they opened the last day to Power Readers it was a little busier then normal.
The morning started out perfectly because my roomie Kate was a mission to get her Dean Koontz book, Odd Apocalypse and it was basically come hell or high water. This I think was the one and only book that she really really wanted and she told us several times that if anyone managed to get a hold of it that she wanted it.
Thankfully a super nice power reader behind us in the waiting line to get in was very accomendating and offered her her copy of it so this made for one very happy Kate as you can see.
She was so happy to have gotten this finally and no one was hurt in the process. LOL
After getting in I managed to get the few books I had hoped to get and meet a few authors in the process. Such as:
This is Faith Wilkins the author of Wacko Academy (a debut novel. She is only 15 years old) I read and loved her book so I really wanted to stop by and say hi.
After meeting her I met up with Shane Peacock who is a Canadian author who was signing his upcoming book, Becoming Holmes. (I recently met him when he came to Michael's school) Another Canadian author I met was Susin Nielsen and she was signing her newest upcoming book called The Reluctant Journal of Henry K. Larsen. I got to meet Justin Halpern who was signing his book I Suck at Girls (I loved his book Sh*t My Father says).
The next signing I wanted to go and do was for the book The Curiosities: A Collection of Stories and all three authors were there: Tessa Gratton, Brenna Yovanoff and Maggie Stiefvater (who I have to say is so sweet and I got all fan girl on her. I couldn't remember her series of books)
I also got to meet Leanna Renee Hieber the author of Darker Still and an added bonus was she was signing ARCs of her upcoming book The Twisted Tragedy of Miss Natalie Stewart.
This beautiful picture was behind Leanna. I love it.
So that wraps up the Thursday the last day of BEA. I was sad to see it end but happy at the same time. My feet were killing me and I looked forward to heading back to the hotel to relax and we decided that we would stay in and order a pizz and chill for the evening. The pizza was pretty good considering all the trouble we went through to order it. Poor Kate but in the end we found a place.
After pizza I told everyone that I need one more PinkBerry run and we walked a few streets over to grab one and low and behold who did we see there but the one person I was hoping to finally meet on this BEA trip, Sheila from Book Journey . Okay this wasn't the first time I saw Sheila. I think she was one of the bloggers I saw the most at BEA this year.
Sheila it was so much fun to finally meet you over and over and over again LOL Just an FYI, Sheila in person is exactly like she is online.
After mailing a box I picked up the following books:
-Peguins Hdden Talent
-How does sleep come
-50 shades of Early Grey the parady (You so know I was going to get that one right?)
-Discover New York City and Not For Parents New york City everthing you ever wanted to know
-starry river of the sky
-The Twisted Tragedy & Darker Still
-The Perculiars
-a wild goose chase christmas
-Malcolm at midnight
-The Paladin
If you have been following me or have spoken with me you will probably know that this fedex box was almost the death of me. Just a little FYI if you are shipping international make sure you get a customer invoice, if not your box will be held. I found that out the hard way. It seems like the people who are working in the booth has no idea.
I told her it was being shipped to Canada and all she made me fill out was the mailing slip and thankfully I am one of those people who tracks their packages because I'm not sure I would have been notified and I could have possibly lost this box.
So when I opened the box everything I sent was there. Phew I was so happy. I only wish they would have taken the time to package it properly instead of just this. I asked about it and was told it would still be the same amout of weight. Hmm I really wonder?
This is the box spread out all over my couch.
This is the signed pile.
-whats left of me (I saw her in the booth and she graciously signed it for me)
-Each Kindness
-The Curiosities
-Find your happetite
-The Near Witch
-I suck at girls
-Becoming Holmes
-wack academy
-The Reluctant Journal of Henry K. Larsen
Not signed:
-sky color
-carnival of souls
-the darkest minds
-the farm
-surviving high school
-the spindlers
-the demon catchers of Milan
-vordak the incomprehensible double trouble
I got two tshirts that are super cute and I am so excited to have gotten Authors Are my Rock Stars. Plus those cute tote bags.
This is the assorted swag I picked up.
I want to send out a huge thank you to all the publishers who took part in BEA you were very generous with the books you gave out and the swag.