(MEME) The Mailbox Post (July 15th to 21st)

Mailbox Monday is a gathering place for readers to share the books that came into their house last week and explore great book blogs. Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles and humongous wish lists.

Mailbox Monday is originally hosted by Marcia  . In the summer of 2010 Marcia decided she needed a change in hosting and didn't want to rely on one blogger alone to do it because its a lot of work so she decided to put Mailbox Monday on tour and so far with great success it has made monthly stops at more then a dozen blogs and this year is booked until the end.

The host for July is Jennifer from Mrs Q. Book Addict . If that name sounds familiar its because she is a local Montreal blogger and if you haven't already checked out her blog then you should.

Speaking of another Montreal blogger, Tynga is  doing a mailbox post called:

Tynga's Reviews is hosting this meme and you can check out this link to find out more about it .

You are probably wondering what has happened to me since I haven't been posting alot lately, summer is busy for us with swimming lessons four days a week and various library activities that Michael takes part in. Plus now that he is home on summer vacation it seems like we are fighting for computer time. I usually let him on during the day while I am doing other things. Then in the evenings I am so tired because we are currently in a heat wave and I am not a summer person. The heat is sucking the life out of me.

Right now I am in the midst of reorganizing my bedroom and purging on stuff that is no longer needed or used. Plus throw in back to school shopping  and getting ready for vacation. Thankfully we are able to squeeze in a little get away and we will be heading to New York state which is just a few hours away for us. Hotel is booked and plans are being mad on what to see and do.

This week for review I only got one book and that was Venom by Fiona Paul. I want to thank Penguin Canada for sending me this and check back later on because I am on a blog tour for this with Pazorbill.

This week I bought one book (this was at Walmart so how could I resist?) Fated by Alyson Noel and I also picked up these two book marks the What a Hoot! is mine and the hockey one is Michael's.

Freebies that came to my mailbox was the Poligrip sample for my mother and I also had to go to the dentist for a cleaning and came home with the standard supplies of toothpaste, floss and a toothbrush. The other toothbrush is Michael's. Since it sat so quietly while I got a cleaning they gave him a toothbrush.

So that is all the came to my mailbox this week. I hope everyone has a good weekend.

Happy Summer vacation to all the kiddies out there.