Author: Sylvia Day
Publisher: Penguin
Pages: 352
Pub Date: June 2012
Source: I received this book from Penguin Canada for review. This was sent unsolicated.
About the book:
Gideon Cross came into my life like lightning in the darkness...
He was beautiful and brilliant, jagged and white-hot. I was drawn to him as I’d never been to anything or anyone in my life. I craved his touch like a drug, even knowing it would weaken me. I was flawed and damaged, and he opened those cracks in me so easily…
Gideon knew. He had demons of his own. And we would become the mirrors that reflected each other’s most private wounds… and desires.
The bonds of his love transformed me, even as I prayed that the torment of our pasts didn’t tear us apart..

I have to say that I knew nothing about this book before receiving it and I have to say it was sent unsolicated.
My first introduction to the book was probably a few weeks before receiving the book when I got a little envelope in the mail from Penguin and all that was inside the envelope was a little business card that said #50ShadesHotter and a pair of silver cuff links. At first I thought that was rather odd and grew curious about it so I went to the Penguin website and put in 50 Shades in the search and only four items came up. One of them was this book and I could see that the cuff links I got were similar to what was on the cover so I presumed it was this book.
I have to say that marketing for this book was fantastic and I love getting a little swag item that goes with the book. The cuff links were very nice.
Shortly after wards I got the book to review and I was interested in it. I do have to say that the writing is much better in this then the 50 Shades series. I could see some similarities in the book but for me the characters were more related able and believable then in 50 Shades.
This is being pushed as if you like 50 Shades you will love this and I have to say I was expecting a 50 Shades book was surprised. This was so much better then 50 Shades. I read it practically in one sitting and yes I did the same thing I did with 50 Shades, I put it in my leather hold cause god forbid someone see me read this. LOL
I enjoyed this book and so much more then the other books. Bared to You is about Eva and Gideon and its told in Eva's point of view. Perhaps the second book will be told in Gideon's point of view.
So Eva has moved to NYC (I loved the location references and it made me long for NYC again) from the West Coast with her BFF Carey (who is bi). He is an actor and will basically do anything it takes to become famous and when I say he will do anything its so true. We find out that Eva's stepfather is rich and has taken it upon himself to take care of Eva and that includes paying for her apartment. You quickly can see that Eva has some kind of baggage but you don't know what it is right away.
The story moved along really quickly and I found it to be a page turner and was constantly reading to find out what was going to happen.
When Gideon was introduced I have to say that I actually liked him so much more then the other guy. I thought he spoke his age and he was so much more believable. With that being said I have to say that their overall actions were. Both Eva and Gideon came off as stalkerish in my opinion. I mean he knows things about Eva that no one should really know about a person without them telling you. As for Eva she resorts to using google to get alerts about Gideon. I mean really who does that?
Slowly as the book progress we uncover more of the demons that trouble these two characters. I felt bad for Eva when I read what she went through. I would be interested to see what happens in the next book.
This was the first time I read any of Sylvia's books and I had to admit that I am kind of curious about book two which is called Reflected In You and its scheduled to release in October 2012. I am hoping I will enjoy it but you never know.
I do have to say that I did recommend this to friends who had read 50 Shades and I was told that they loved this one more and they can't wait for book two to come out.
Thanks Penguin Canada for sending me this to review.
Did anyone else read this? What did you think?