War Pundits and Platitudes
Cindy Sheehan
Frequently, I watch the Propaganda Media because I want to know what is the current propaganda of the Empire.
For example, if the Propaganda Media is telling me that I should focus on one really (but, really not) juicy trial, or that I should be consumed by the autopsy report of the latest celebrity death, or what was in her refrigerator when she died, then I know those are things that I don’t need to know and I refuse to be distracted by the shiny keys of the Propaganda Masters.
Lately, I am particularly struck by a rather difficult “shiny key” distraction named Malala Yousufzai, the young female Pakistani who was allegedly shot by the Taliban for being vocal about her rights to an education. Malala is right and whoever shot her is wrong—period. However, the situation is tricky, because I don’t support ANYONE shooting ANYONE—but especially I abhor the shooting of a young lady who is fighting for her rights. However, all of the news coverage she is getting and celebrity support NEVER points out how many children are killed by the US in Pakistan by Obama’s abominable aerial assault campaign. According to the very comprehensive and current wiki page: Drone Strikes in Pakistan, these are the statistics of the immoral US policy:
Total strikes: 347
- Total reported killed: 2,572 – 3,341
- Civilians reported killed: 474 – 884
- Children reported killed: 176
- Total reported injured: 1,232 – 1,366
- Strikes under the Bush Administration: 52
- Strikes under the Obama Administration: 295
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Pakistani Child Savagely Attacked by US |
I posted this picture of a Pakistani toddler on the twitter-facebook-osphere the other day and the comments were unconscionably callous, but they all boiled down to this sentiment: “I am glad the president is bombing people who would shoot a young girl for going to school.”
I was watching the Propaganda Media show with the letters CNN this morning and the moderator’s shall remain nameless, but her initials are CC and she is an especial cravenly war supporter on a cable network chock full of them. Anyway, there was a lovely young lady on a panel filled with other perfectly coiffed, suited, tied, and made-up Talking Flapping Pie Holes. The discussion was about the upcoming foreign policy debate between the Red Tie Scoundrel and Blue Tie Scoundrel presidential candidates.
I always notice the mental and logical gymnastics that the panels on these pre-debate discussions have to go through to distinguish and then expand upon the miniscule differences between Blue Tie Scoundrel and Red Tie Scoundrel—but the lovely young Talking Flapping Pie Hole made one egregiously false claim and one dismissive claim.
First, she claimed that Obama “ended the war in Iraq like he promised during the 2008 campaign.” Actually, A: It ended because of an agreement that was entered into between the US and the Puppet Government of Iraq before George Bush left office; B: the Obama administration did everything it could to NOT have to leave Iraq; and, C: the occupation continues to this day with tens of thousands of independent contractors and thousands of other civilian employees staffing the enormous embassy and consulates around the country. But, the above are inconvenient facts that we are supposed to forget so we can triumphantly trumpet: “Vote for Obama, he ended the war in Iraq!”
Secondly, Ms. Talking Flapping Pie Hole said that the Obama administration is trying to end the “engagement” in Afghanistan. Excuse me, this article just came out today saying that the Obama regime is doing the same thing in Afghanistan that it tried to do in Iraq—extending its unwelcomed stay—AND “engagement?” That is the most innocuous platitude that I have heard in a long time for an illegal occupation and devastating war!
Obama to Afghanistan: “Baby, I know we have already been engaged for eleven years, but, even though I know you don’t want to be engaged to me, I think we should be engaged for at least 10 more years, baby! Oh, come on baby, I promise you it’ll be different this time! I can’t live without your mineral wealth…ahem, baby, I mean I can’t live without YOU!”
With “reporters” and “pundits” like these, is it any wonder that on November 6, those Americans who do find the time, energy, or remember to vote, will sludge down to his/her polling place like The Walking Dead and fill in the bubble for one of the Red Tie or Blue Tie Scoundrels? Having fulfilled ones "patriotic duty," The Walker will sludge back out with vague feelings of disgust and unease?