Mailbox Monday is a gathering place for readers to share the books that came into their house last week and explore great book blogs. Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles and humongous wish lists.
Mailbox Monday is originally hosted by Marcia . In the summer of 2010 Marcia decided she needed a change in hosting and didn't want to rely on one blogger alone to do it because its a lot of work so she decided to put Mailbox Monday on tour and so far with great success it has made monthly stops at more then a dozen blogs and this year is booked until the end.
So I am really behind in doing some mailbox post and I am so sorry. Not sure what has been going on. I honestly think with the upcoming holiday season and the crazyiness of Michael's hockey (will explain in a bit) I think I just got out of my groove but hoping that things will be back to.
The host for December is This is a new to be blog so I am excited to go and check out that blog.
With it still being November I should tell you that Kathy from Bermudaonion graciously stepped in to host this month as a back up host. Kathy is one of my awesome booking friends and I only get to see her in real life once a year so I am excited to hopefully see her in May 2013.
My fellow Montreal blogger, Tynga is doing a mailbox post called:
Tynga's Reviews is hosting this meme and you can check out this link to find out more about it .
This is what came to my door this past week.
For Review:
~Sever by Lauren DeStefano. This is the third and final book in the Chemical Garden series. I am super excited to read this and finish up the series. Thanks Simon & Schuster Canada for sending this to be.
~Switch by Megan Hart.
Also pictured is a cute little owl stuffie (as Michael calls him) that we picked up at Walmart.
This past week was an awesome freebie week. We started off with two trips to the dentist (one cleaning for Michael and one for me) and we got two little bags filled with a tooth brush each, tooth paste each, dental floss each and I get the bill and he gets goodies LOL the pencil is bubbles and a magic trick top.
From the Costco sample pack:
~one pack of Tide pods
~Scope mouthwash
~Mr Clean sponge
From the P&G sample pack:
~one pack of Tide pods
~Scope mouthwash
~Crest white stripes
~Tampax sample kit
Then finally the last item which came in this purple gift bag.
I knew this was coming (meaning I thought it was going to be mailed) but was totally suprised when it was hand delivered. Yes someone came to my door and rang the bell and handed it over to me. I was so shocked and thrilled.
To find out what is in this gift bag you will have to check back in December because its part of something that I am doing in December.
So what did you get in your mailbox this past week?