Scholastic Book Fair
From Thursday April 26th to May 2nd, Michael's school has been doing the Scholastic Book Fair. I was super excited to actually be able to take part in it this year. Not only as a buyer but a volunteer.
I finally managed to get some photos this time. I meant to grab some on Friday when I was there but I didn't get the chance. The tables aren't as filled as they would have been in the beginning because sadly I took this at the end of the morning.
For the book fair the table in the center is french books and we had seven tables filled with assorted english books.
So I managed to grab two books for me and several for Michael as you can see. I spent a little more then I should have ($88.50) but I guess it was for a good cause since the money will be going back into the school.
Here is what we got: (Friday's loot)
-Pilot & Huxley First Adventure (graphic novel)
-Squish Super Amoeba vol 1 (graphic novel)
-An Accidental Adventure we are not eaten by Yaks. This is the first book in the series.
-Thea Stilton and the Star Castaways
-The Vampire Stalker (I have had this on my wislist but never bought it because it was in hardcover and I saw it in paperback so I nabbed it)
This was today's loot since Michael's class went to it today:
-Phineas and Ferb Robotinator
-Big Nate on a Roll book 3
-Hockey Trailblazers
-Pokemon Heart Gold / Soul Silver version
(sorry I didn't realize that the picture was sideways)
I think from being at the fair both days I think the school did amazing and probably raised quite a bit of money. I will have to inquire when I go in on Friday.
Looking forward to another fair next year. Have you been to one? What did you think of it?
I hope that next year that Scholastic will listen to the librarian and offer some newer titles, popular titles.
Cover Reveal for Closed Hearts
Enter the cover model contest here
Enter the fairy tale hop giveaway here
Now for the awesome
Cover Reveal for Closed Hearts
Enter the fairy tale hop giveaway here
Now for the awesome
Cover Reveal for Closed Hearts
Coming May 23rd...
Closed Hearts (Book Two of the Mindjack Trilogy)
When you control minds, only your heart can be used against you.
Eight months ago, Kira Moore revealed to the mindreading world that mindjackers like herself were hidden in their midst. Now she wonders if telling the truth was the right choice after all. As wild rumors spread, a powerful anti-jacker politician capitalizes on mindreaders’ fears and strips jackers of their rights. While some jackers flee to Jackertown—a slum rife with jackworkers who trade mind control favors for cash—Kira and her family hide from the readers who fear her and jackers who hate her. But when a jacker Clan member makes Kira’s boyfriend Raf collapse in her arms, Kira is forced to save the people she loves by facing the thing she fears most: FBI agent Kestrel and his experimental torture chamber for jackers.
Release Date: May 23rd, 2012
Click Here to sign up for the Virtual Launch Party on May 23rd! There will be prizes, reviews, bonus content, did I mention prizes? Come join the fun!
Open Minds (Book One of the Mindjack Trilogy)
“Being a fan of dystopian and sci-fi in young adult books this was exactly the type of book I was hoping to fall in love with and absolutely did ...YA readers who love authors like Ally Condie, Veronica Roth, Lauren Oliver and others would be missing out if they failed to pick up Open Minds by Susan Kaye Quinn. Join Kira on her journey to save her fellow mindjackers and potentially change the landscape of her world forever.”
— Danielle Smith, book blogger at There’s a Book
“Susan plunges readers into a compelling and frightening world where nearly everyone can read minds when they come of age. The very idea makes me shudder. This is easily one of the best books I've read not only this year, but in recent years.”
— Heather McCorkle, author of The Secret of Spruce Knoll
"Susan Kaye Quinn's Open Minds is an edge-of-the-seat YA sci-fi, where 16 year-old Kira dodges psychological bullets from all sides." — Catherine Stine, author of Fireseed One
Susan Kaye Quinn, Author
Susan Kaye Quinn grew up in California, where she wrote snippets of stories and passed them to her friends during class. She pursued a bunch of engineering degrees and worked a lot of geeky jobs, including turns at GE Aircraft Engines, NASA, and NCAR. Now that she writes novels, her business card says "Author and Rocket Scientist" and she doesn't have to sneak her notes anymore. All that engineering comes in handy when dreaming up paranormal powers in future worlds or mixing science with fantasy to conjure slightly plausible inventions. Susan writes from the Chicago suburbs with her three boys, two cats, and one husband. Which, it turns out, is exactly as much as she can handle.
Susan’s Other Works
In His Eyes Anthology (includes Mind Games, a short prequel to Open Minds)
Life, Liberty, and Pursuit (a teen love story)
Full Speed Ahead (short afterstory to Life, Liberty, and Pursuit)
(Meme) Sundays In Bed With..... #1
I am super excited to be able to take part in Sundays In Bed With....... this is actually the first time since hockey started (and its now finished) that I was able to stay in bed for a bit with no real rush to be any where right away so I got to take advantage of it.
But first let me tell you about this fun meme.
The awesome blogger behind this is Kate from Midnight Book Girl not only is she an awesome blogger but she is also one of my roommates for BEA. YAY!!!

Hope everyone had a good Sunday and that you managed to curl up with a book today. Thanks Kate for hosting this fantastic meme. See you soon.
But first let me tell you about this fun meme.
The awesome blogger behind this is Kate from Midnight Book Girl not only is she an awesome blogger but she is also one of my roommates for BEA. YAY!!!

Sundays In Bed a meme I've started to share the book we're spending the morning in bed with, or the one we'd like to stay curled up in bed with all Sunday if only our busy lives would allow! For fun, take a picture of the book in your bed, or simply write up a post or comment below sharing your Sundays in Bed With book. Quoted from Kate's blogSo the book I stayed in bed to read was this one. It was a super cute, quick read. My review will be posted this week.
Hope everyone had a good Sunday and that you managed to curl up with a book today. Thanks Kate for hosting this fantastic meme. See you soon.
Dr. Jill Stein (Green Party) on Cindy Sheehan's Soapbox
Dear Friend,
We are presenting a GREAT show for you today starring, Jill Stein, one of the great people who are vying for the presidential nomination of the Green Party.
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(We previously spoke to Roseanne Barr linked here).
I don't trust the Federal Election Electoral Complex at all, but Jill's views on the issues are spot on and articulated very well in our interview.
The interview can be heard at 2pm Pacific Time at
Community Progressive Radio.
Or any time and for all time at the archives for Cindy Sheehan's Soapbox.
Love & Peace
Cindy Sheehan
Soapbox Team
Five Days for the Cuban 5 in WashedUp, DeCeit
I was invited to Washington, DC (WashedUp, Deceit) for the Five Days for the Cuban 5 by the International Committee to Free the Five.
The first event I attended (with my friend, host, driver, author, fellow radical, and Gold Star Aunt, Missy Beattie. Click here to read her article about the Five), was a luncheon at the Cuban Interests Section (de facto embassy, since the US and Cuba do not have formal relations) with the Ambassador from Cuba to the US, Jorge BolaƱos, and I was honored to be given a place of importance right next to the Ambassador. The luncheon was to honor activists, artists, filmmakers and authors who have devoted at least part of their time to ending the unconscionable and anachronistic US embargo of Cuba and to educate for release of the Cuban 5.
On the following day, April 21st, we held a rally in front of the White House with over 300 people entitled, "Obama give us 5."
The closing event was held at the Venezuelan Embassy where I was the keynote speaker. Everyone in attendance was well aware of the case of the Five, but what I wished to do was to energize people who are already busy and devoted to Cuban and Latin American activism to help us make the US the hub of this activism since our country is leading the world in anti-democratic actions in that region (and, indeed, many others).
While at the Venezuelan Embassy, I received two wonderful surprises--I was able to speak with one of the Five, Gerardo Hernandez, who was given two life terms for "conspiracy to commit murder" who called from his prison in California; AND I was presented this award (pictured below) from the Five.
TO Cindy Sheehan,
with regard and sincere appreciation
for your continual solidarity
with the cause of the Cuban 5.
April 2012
This is a super-excellent article about the case of the Five linked here by Stephen Kimber who has been researching the case for years since he visited Cuba in 2009.
(Mini Challenge) Women of the Other World Series #1
I have to admit that I pretty much have been sucking at this challenge but I am hoping to redem myself shortly.
In case you aren't aware of this Lucy from Moomlight Gleam's Bookshelf is hosting this awesome reading challenge. If you are interested to checking it out click above.
I am currently taking part in the mini Challenge for this month. For more info you can check that out here.
So as part of my challenge this month I have to show pictures of all the Kelley Armstrong books I currently own. So here you are:
The Summoning, The Awakening and the Reckoning are the first three books in Kelley's Darkest Powers Series. This was my first introduction to Kelley's books. I had to dig to get these out of box that I had packed down in my basement and it was a good thing because I need to get The Reckoning signed when Kelley comes to town in Sept.
This is Kelley's newest series called Darkest Rising and I have both books The Gathering and The Calling. I have yet to read them and hoping to very soon. I love the covers.
These will also be signed when I see Kelley in September.
This is a bunch of books that Kelley has short stories in:
-The Living Dead 2
-Kisses from Hell
-Hellbound Hearts
-Vampires The Recent Undead
-My Big Fat Supernatural Honeymoon
I also have Kelley's books Women of the Other World Series but they are all on my kobo and for some reason my camera won't take a proper picture.
In case you aren't aware of this Lucy from Moomlight Gleam's Bookshelf is hosting this awesome reading challenge. If you are interested to checking it out click above.
I am currently taking part in the mini Challenge for this month. For more info you can check that out here.
So as part of my challenge this month I have to show pictures of all the Kelley Armstrong books I currently own. So here you are:
The Summoning, The Awakening and the Reckoning are the first three books in Kelley's Darkest Powers Series. This was my first introduction to Kelley's books. I had to dig to get these out of box that I had packed down in my basement and it was a good thing because I need to get The Reckoning signed when Kelley comes to town in Sept.
This is Kelley's newest series called Darkest Rising and I have both books The Gathering and The Calling. I have yet to read them and hoping to very soon. I love the covers.
These will also be signed when I see Kelley in September.
This is a bunch of books that Kelley has short stories in:
-The Living Dead 2
-Kisses from Hell
-Hellbound Hearts
-Vampires The Recent Undead
-My Big Fat Supernatural Honeymoon
I also have Kelley's books Women of the Other World Series but they are all on my kobo and for some reason my camera won't take a proper picture.
The Mailbox Post (April 16th -21st)
Since I am this months host of Mailbox Monday, I will be keeping the weekly Mailbox Monday Posts on top so that everyone can find the Mailbox post easily and leave their links. Please note that all new posts are following this one.
Can you believe its time for another IMM post? Where is the time going?
Mailbox Monday is a gathering place for readers to share the books that came into their house last week and explore great book blogs. Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles and humongous wish lists.
(OMG! This is true. This past week I have added a ton of books to my ever growing wish list. )
Mailbox Monday is originally hosted by Marcia from A girl and her books and The Printed Page. In the summer of 2010 Marcia decided she needed a change in hosting and didn't want to rely on one blogger alone to do it because its a lot of work so she decided to put Mailbox Monday on tour and so far with great success it has made monthly stops at more then a dozen blogs and this year is booked until the end. I will actually be hosting Mailbox Monday in April.
I am super excited because I am the host of Mailbox Monday for April. I am looking forward to discovering some new blogs this month. If you follow me please let me know so that I can go back and follow you. I have discovered so many new blogs this past week.
I don't have a vlog this week because Friday was a ped day so that meant Michael was home. So it will be pictures this week.
Anways enough of my ramblings.
This is what came to my door this week in regards to review books and freebies/product reviews:
Books Bought:
Diary of a Wimpy Kid box set was actually bought from scholastic that came last week but I couldn't show it on my blog because Michael has been checking it out. Yes he has been, I think he was looking to see if this came yet. This is actually a birthday gift from me to him.
I ended up buying some of these books at the author event this week with the gift card I recieved last week and the little reddish ball thing is eos lip balm in summer fruit. I have been waiting to try it and sadly its not a favorite of mine.
Michael bought this with a gift card he got from his kid party last week.
I was able to pick this up today when we went to spend Michael's gift card. All I have to say is that the cover is so much prettier in person.
While I was in Chapters I saw this super cute bookmark and I had to buy it, Isn't it cute? Goes so well with my blog and my love of owls.
Items for Review:
Then from Olivella, I contacted them about doing a review for them and they sent me a body lotion, bath & shower gel and contour eye cream. I have my review scheduled for this week.
This week I got a CD to listen to and review. That review will be posted this week. (Sorry for the poor quality of the picture but it was taken with my cell phone. I thought I had take a picture before I downloaded my camera but I see I didn't.)
The books I got to review are:
-Peace Love and Cupcakes by Sheryl and Carrie Berk (book 1 The Cupcake Club) [Thanks Sourcebooks]
-Play These Fames by Heather Swain [Thanks Penguin USA]
-Wish You Were Here by Beth K. Vogt (this is a second copy) [Thanks Simon & Schuster USA]
-Between The Lines by Jodi Picoult & Samantha Van Leer (RD June 2012) [Thanks Simon & Schuster Canada for sending me this. Super excited]
-Temptation of Angels by Michelle Zink [Thanks penguin Canada}]
Misc. Items I got in the mail:
I recently did a review for Eden and for doing it I was compensate with a gift card so I finally used it and bought some dry shampoos. The middle one is my Principessa Beauty notte breeze for darker shades and the two cake ones are Satin Sugar hair and body refreshing powder(darker shades) and satin sugar glistening dry shampoo and body powder.
I recieved a $10 Tim Horton's gift card from Mom Central Canada for taking part in a Advertising Test Survey. Looking forward to spending this very soon.
Can you believe its time for another IMM post? Where is the time going?
Mailbox Monday is a gathering place for readers to share the books that came into their house last week and explore great book blogs. Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles and humongous wish lists.
(OMG! This is true. This past week I have added a ton of books to my ever growing wish list. )
Mailbox Monday is originally hosted by Marcia from A girl and her books and The Printed Page. In the summer of 2010 Marcia decided she needed a change in hosting and didn't want to rely on one blogger alone to do it because its a lot of work so she decided to put Mailbox Monday on tour and so far with great success it has made monthly stops at more then a dozen blogs and this year is booked until the end. I will actually be hosting Mailbox Monday in April.
I am super excited because I am the host of Mailbox Monday for April. I am looking forward to discovering some new blogs this month. If you follow me please let me know so that I can go back and follow you. I have discovered so many new blogs this past week.
I don't have a vlog this week because Friday was a ped day so that meant Michael was home. So it will be pictures this week.
Anways enough of my ramblings.
This is what came to my door this week in regards to review books and freebies/product reviews:
Books Bought:
Diary of a Wimpy Kid box set was actually bought from scholastic that came last week but I couldn't show it on my blog because Michael has been checking it out. Yes he has been, I think he was looking to see if this came yet. This is actually a birthday gift from me to him.
I ended up buying some of these books at the author event this week with the gift card I recieved last week and the little reddish ball thing is eos lip balm in summer fruit. I have been waiting to try it and sadly its not a favorite of mine.
Michael bought this with a gift card he got from his kid party last week.
I was able to pick this up today when we went to spend Michael's gift card. All I have to say is that the cover is so much prettier in person.
While I was in Chapters I saw this super cute bookmark and I had to buy it, Isn't it cute? Goes so well with my blog and my love of owls.
Items for Review:
Then from Olivella, I contacted them about doing a review for them and they sent me a body lotion, bath & shower gel and contour eye cream. I have my review scheduled for this week.
This week I got a CD to listen to and review. That review will be posted this week. (Sorry for the poor quality of the picture but it was taken with my cell phone. I thought I had take a picture before I downloaded my camera but I see I didn't.)
The books I got to review are:
-Peace Love and Cupcakes by Sheryl and Carrie Berk (book 1 The Cupcake Club) [Thanks Sourcebooks]
-Play These Fames by Heather Swain [Thanks Penguin USA]
-Wish You Were Here by Beth K. Vogt (this is a second copy) [Thanks Simon & Schuster USA]
-Between The Lines by Jodi Picoult & Samantha Van Leer (RD June 2012) [Thanks Simon & Schuster Canada for sending me this. Super excited]
-Temptation of Angels by Michelle Zink [Thanks penguin Canada}]
Misc. Items I got in the mail:
I recently did a review for Eden and for doing it I was compensate with a gift card so I finally used it and bought some dry shampoos. The middle one is my Principessa Beauty notte breeze for darker shades and the two cake ones are Satin Sugar hair and body refreshing powder(darker shades) and satin sugar glistening dry shampoo and body powder.
I recieved a $10 Tim Horton's gift card from Mom Central Canada for taking part in a Advertising Test Survey. Looking forward to spending this very soon.
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