Its been awhile since I have done an On My Wishlist post, I think its been since 2011. If you are new to my blog I should let you know that On My Wishlist was hosted by Book Chick City. I didn't realize they had stopped this meme until I went looking for it so that tells you how long its been since I did this. There is a new host for On My Wishlist and its now being hosted by Cosy Books and I'm not sure if its still being hosted by Cosy Books because the blog hasn't been updated in about a month but I will link to them until I can find another meme like this. If you happen to know one please let me know and I will go and check it out.
This wishlist post will be a little different because as you know BEA (Book Expo America) was earlier this month in NYC and I had initially had this post scheduled to post while I was away and for some reason it never posted so I figured I would show you the books that I was hoping to get while I was there.
I have edited and removed the books I did get.

What books were you hoping to get at BEA and didn't?