Well tonight when I came online I saw that Maria from A Passion for Books & Real Life a blogger that I meant online and follow, posted about Lovely Letters Swap. I had to check it out.
The hosts for this is http://modernbuttercup.blogspot.ca/ and http://www.kittyandbuck.com/ . Please note the following was copy and pasted from Modern Buttercup's blog.
We'd love for you to take part in the exchange! If you're interested, this is how it will work:
-You need to commit to sending 4 letters over an 8 week period. We will assign partners and you will share letters back and forth for the duration of the project. Only sign up if you can commit to sending the 4 letters, nobody wants to miss out on receiving some lovely letters!
-Each fortnight we will post a new project which will tell you the theme of that fortnight's exchange. At the end of the letter exchange, you have the option to take part in a package exchange too, just in time for Christmas! This part is optional, but so much fun! The exchange is open internationally, we will try to pair you with someone in your area to keep postage costs to an absolute minimum for you.
How do I sign up?! Well... it's simple! Just fill in (and submit) THIS FORM . (Filling in the form is the only way we can accept your application) The form also has a section that allows you to enter a few words about yourself to ensure you are paired with someone who shares similar interests to you. The deadline for signing up is Thursday 27th September. We will allocate your partners via email over the next few days and launch the Lovely Letters on Tuesday 1st October with your first task.
At the end of Lovely Letters (probably at the same time as the final task), you can take part in an optional package exchange too. The package exchange is a chance for you to put together a special gift for someone (who will be allocated separate to your letter exchange partner) and receive one in return. The value of your package should be $20-$30 including packaging. Please express your interest in participating in the package exchange on the sign up form.

Spread the word to everyone you know! It would be awesome to have a lot of participants to spread the lovely letters, and make lots of new friends! :)