This is this month's bag |
Here is a little bit about this service:
•$20.00 + GST (I paid $21.00 for this)
•Its not a recurring charge so you have to go back each month to subscribe to the box.
•You get a mininum of 10 samples each month (your box can contain anywhere from 10-15)
•no foil samples (those 1 time samples)
•These are all deluxe sized samples
•Its 95 to 100 % all natural ingredients
•Every box comes with a guide on what the products are, useful beauty tips and tons of coupons for every product in the box.
•you never get the same product two months in a row
•you also won't get two of the same type of products in the box ie eye creams
•They ship to the US, Canada, United Kingdom and International

I loved this months bag inside and out. The packaging was really pretty this month again. I am curious to see what November and December will bring.
I loved the hot pink crinkle cut paper. The first things I pulled out was a product card for Burst and my personalized envelope that held my invoice and product description paper.
I ended up grouping the items together into categories to make things easier when I did the post.What do you think of this way?
~Happy Pumpkin Exfoliating Mini Sugar Pumpkin Soap. Sample size is 1.5oz for $3.80 and the full size is $8.50
~ATL International Raw Carrier Oil (St John Worts). Sample size is 1oz for $10.00 and the full size is $18.50
~Burst Organic Beauty Bar Love Bubbles Body Wash. Sample size is 1oz for $3.50 and the full size is $8.50
~Wine Delights Natural Bath Salt Assortment. Sample size is 3x0.5oz for $6.00 and the full size is $12.50
I have started to use the Pumpkin Soap and the Love Bubbles Body Wash and I love them. I loved the smell and was pleasantly surprised at how well they worked. I could actually see myself repurchasing theses.
~Burst Organic Beauty Bar Super Rich Island Butter. The sample size is 1oz for $6.50 and the full size is $14.50
~Petal Organics Firming Phyto Petal Bio Active Body Cream. The sample size is 1oz for $30.00 and the full size is $160.00
I really liked the Island Butter as it smelled of blueberries and reminded me of a trypical smell. I want to save this one for the cold winter months when I need that little pick me up. As for the body cream I like it but this won't be something I would purchase because of the price.
I really liked the Island Butter as it smelled of blueberries and reminded me of a trypical smell. I want to save this one for the cold winter months when I need that little pick me up. As for the body cream I like it but this won't be something I would purchase because of the price.
This is what the Island Butter looks like. I love the packaging and it looks like whip cream doesn't it? I love the smell and can't wait to use it in the cold winter months.
~Ariona Healing Balm. The sample size is 0.25oz and its worth $5.00 and the full size is $15.00
~ Accidental Herbal Cinnamon Honey Lip Jam. The sample size is 0.25oz for $4.00 and the full size is unknown.
I like the packing of these and I think I would purchase the healing balm because I have been noticing a difference in my rough heals they are getting soft. Not sure about the lip jam. Its a nice alternative to lip balm.
~Virga Botanicals Gentle Creamy Facial Cleanser with Lavendar. The sample is 1oz for $4.00 and the full size is $12.95
~Biograzia Grazzia Bio-Regan Face Cream. The sample is 5ml for $5.50 and the full size is $33.00
~Authentic Skin Remedies Balance Sea Water Facial Mist. The sample is 8ml for $6.00 and the full size is $33.00
I haven't tried any of the facial stuff yet cause I am still waiting for my skin to heal before trying anything new but these sound interesting and I am curious to try them out eventually.
So this is what I got in my Natural Beauty Box for October. Its 11 samples worth $84.30
I really like this months box and I am loving the bath stuff alot and there is some items that I would purchase.
Did you get this months bag? If so what do you think?
Did you get this months bag? If so what do you think?